
Chemistry students experience a number of problems during the learning process in subjects like molecular biology, biochemistry and others, particularly when they study molecular structure, since it is generally complex and abstract. This paper describes a proposal of learning object development to support understanding of molecular structures, using multimodal virtual reality technology. This paper also comments the development of a test bed for analyzing the possible applications and limitations of the technology and pedagogical contents of learning objects in virtual reality.

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Miguel A. Garcia-Ruiz
University of Colima School of Telematics Colima, Mexico,
Arthur Edwards
University of Colima School of Telematics Colima, Mexico,
Jorge R. Gutierrez-Pulido
University of Colima School of Telematics Colima, Mexico,
Ricardo Acosta-Diaz
University of Colima School of Telematics Colima, Mexico,

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Garcia-Ruiz, M., Edwards, A., Gutierrez-Pulido, J., & Acosta-Diaz, R. (2006). Virtual reality learning objects of molecular structures. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2006. https://doi.org/10.23106/dcmi.952108486

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952108486

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