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CANOE: A Course Assembly and Normalization Tool for E-learning

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Metadata plays a very important role in searching and discovering learning resources across the Web. To help users convert legacy Web-based courses into the equivalent ones that are conformant to popular metadata and content packaging standards, we designed and implemented a course normalization and assembly tool called CANOE. By offering the ability to perform course normalization and providing a high-level user view, CANOE enables the user to build standardized courses easily and quickly.

Author information

Han Xu
Dept. Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University,Nanjing,China,
Honghan Wu
Dept. Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University,Nanjing,China,
Yuzhong Qu
Dept. Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University,Nanjing,China,

Cite this article

Xu, H., Wu, H., & Qu, Y. (2004). CANOE: A Course Assembly and Normalization Tool for E-learning. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2004.

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952107912

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