
University of Washington Early Buddhist Manuscripts Project in DSpace

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Preliminary findings on the deployment of metadata for a project using DSpace at the University of Washington Libraries are presented. Problems encountered include mapping user-provided metadata for a domain-specific image collection to Dublin Core. Creating collectionspecific qualifiers and adding value prefixes were tested in the DSpace configuration. Data inconsistency caused some technical problems, as well as bringing to light other issues involved in deploying a system with user-supplied content.

Author information

Kathleen Forsythe
University of Washington Libraries Seattle, USA,
Alan Grosenheider
University of Washington Libraries Seattle, USA,
Eileen Llona
University of Washington Libraries Seattle, USA,
Jennifer Ward
University of Washington Libraries Seattle, USA,

Cite this article

Forsythe, K., Grosenheider, A., Llona, E., & Ward, J. (2003). University of Washington Early Buddhist Manuscripts Project in DSpace. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2003.

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952107609

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