
A Preliminary Investigation of Metadata Description Mechanisms for Materials Science

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Materials Property Data Markup Language (MatML) provides detailed materials property information necessary for the exchange of materials science digital resources among users. Dublin Core (DC) provides a consistent generic characterization of content important for resource discovery. The feasibility of reusing detailed information provided by MatML to supply DC metadata is explored. Preliminary data gathered from three examples of materials science resources indicates that MatML tags may be successfully mapped to DC elements. A prototype webbased authoring tool designed to assist authors in generating MatML as well as to map MatML information to DC elements is discussed.

Author information

Laura M. Bartolo
Kent State University, USA,
Cathy S. Lowe
College of Arts and Sciences, Green Digital Library, Kent State University, USA,

Cite this article

Bartolo, L., & Lowe, C. (2003). A Preliminary Investigation of Metadata Description Mechanisms for Materials Science. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2003.

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952107589

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