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The MEG Registry and SCART: Complementary Tools for Creation, Discovery and Re-use of Metadata Schemas

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SCART is an RDF schema creation tool designed for use by implementers working within digital library and learning environments. This schema creation and registration tool is being developed to work in conjunction with registry software. SCART will provide implementers with a simple tool to declare their schemas, including local usage and adaptations, in a machine understandable way based on the RDF Schema specification. This tool is optimised for use by the Metadata for Education Group, projects and services within the UK providing resource discovery in the domain of education. By providing a complementary creation tool and registry the aim is to facilitate easy discovery of existing schemas already registered in a schemas registry, and to enable implementers to re-use these existing schemas where appropriate.

Author information

Rachel Heery
UK Office for Library and Information Networking (UKOLN),
Pete Johnston
UKOLN, University of Bath, UK,
Dave Beckett
ILRT, University of Bristol, UK,
Damian Steer
ILRT, University of Bristol, UK,

Cite this article

Heery, R., Johnston, P., Beckett, D., & Steer, D. (2002). The MEG Registry and SCART: Complementary Tools for Creation, Discovery and Re-use of Metadata Schemas. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2002. https://doi.org/10.23106/dcmi.952107021

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952107021

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