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Building Digital Books with Dublin Core and IMS Content Packaging

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The University of Calgary Learning Commons has been developing solutions for the digitization and dissemination of educational digital assets for two years. The most recent work focused on creating digital books that can be accessed online and assembled from digital components. Several theoretical and technical issues were examined and resolved. The U of C worked with existing partners to modify their educational object repository software solution to meet these needs. The software was developed to deal with the workflow of assembling the numerous digital components of a book into a cohesive whole and an online browser was built to view the constructed digital books. The digital books were created in an XML-based IMS container package of Dublin Core metadata and manifests of all the components that were used to create the online digital books.

Author information

Michael Magee
Netera Alliance, Canada,
D’Arcy Norman
University of Calgary, Canada,
Julian Wood
University of Calgary, Canada,
Rob Purdy
University of Calgary, Canada,
Graeme Irwin
University of Calgary, Canada,

Cite this article

Magee, M., Norman, D., Wood, J., Purdy, R., & Irwin, G. (2002). Building Digital Books with Dublin Core and IMS Content Packaging. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2002. https://doi.org/10.23106/dcmi.952106989

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952106989

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