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Toward a Metadata Activity Matrix: Conceptualizing and Grounding the Research Lifecycle and Metadata Connections

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The role of metadata to support research cannot be underestimated; and, yet, it is difficult to develop a systematic understanding of metadata activities throughout the research process. In this paper, we preliminary analyzed how metadata activities were embedded in the research and data lifecycles. Specifically, we identified some key metadata activities associated with the components of the generic research process, from hypothesis formulation to disseminating the results and data management. The exploration raised epistemological questions about the presence of metadata activities in conducting research and managing data. This work conceptualized and grounded the connection between metadata and the lifecycles of research and data processes and presented a high-level mapping identifying the cross section of their activities and established the impression of metadata value in the field of scientific research and data management.

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Sonia Pascua
Drexel University, USA
Kai Li
Drexel University, USA

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Pascua, S., & Li, K. (2020). Toward a Metadata Activity Matrix: Conceptualizing and Grounding the Research Lifecycle and Metadata Connections. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2020. https://doi.org/10.23106/dcmi.952141672

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952141672

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