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The Use of Application Profiles and Metadata Schemas by Digital Repositories: Findings from a Survey

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Shows the results of a survey by questionnaire sent to the managers of 2,165 digital repositories registered at the OpenDoar. Its purpose was to identify the existence and the use of application profiles and related metadata schemas. Of this total, 431 questionnaires were filled. The survey enabled the identification of profiles, as well as schemas and metadata elements used for these repositories. According to the results the number of repositories that use or provide application profiles is very low. The Dublin Core remains as the most commonly used metadata schema, followed by the MARC 21, METS and MODS. The dataset that resulted from the survey is openly available at RepositórioUM, the institutional repository of the University of Minho.

Author information

Morgana Carneiro Andrade
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Ana Alice Rodrigues Pereira Baptista
Algoritmi Research Center – Universidade do Minho - Portugal, Portugal

Cite this article

Andrade, M., & Baptista, A. A. (2015). The Use of Application Profiles and Metadata Schemas by Digital Repositories: Findings from a Survey. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2015. https://doi.org/10.23106/dcmi.952137093

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952137093

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