
A Pilot Study on Linked Open Data in Cultural Heritage: A Use Case of the Taiwan Digital Archives Union Catalogue

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The Taiwan Digital Archives Union Catalogue, with more than 5 million digitized objects described with Dublin Core-based metadata, comes from the Taiwan E-Learning and Digital Archives Program (TELDAP) which was built on a national scale over the past 15 years. Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures (ASCDC)is now in charge of the sustainable operation. The presentation aims to report how we adopt Linked Open Data (LOD) approach to publish these structure data, in order to make metadata and the digitalized objects get connected with related resources in the world. The presentation reports on 72 collections across 16 categories such as biodiversity, photos, architecture, anthropology, rare books, Buddhist texts and paintings, discussing the LOD design methods, issues, outcomes of the preliminary results and lessons learned, which covers the data model, cleaning for data quality, reconciling, publishing and applications. In addition, the different ways of LOD applications will also be demonstrated including online exhibitions and the reuse in digital humanities researches.

Author information

(Sophy) Shu-Jiun Chen
Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Province of China
Chunya Wen
Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Province of China

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Chen, (Sophy) Shu-Jiun, & Wen, C. (2017). A Pilot Study on Linked Open Data in Cultural Heritage: A Use  Case of the Taiwan Digital Archives Union Catalogue. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2017.

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952137779

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