
This project report details work carried out in collaboration between the University of Southampton and the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, focussing on an RDF dataset of academic authors and publications. Activities included the conversion of the dataset to produce Linked Data, the identification of co-references in and between datasets, and the development of an ontology mapping service to facilitate the integration of the dataset with an existing Semantic Web application, RKBExplorer.com.

Author information

Hugh Glaser
University of Southampton, GB
Ian Millard
University of Southampton, GB
Won-Kyung Sung
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, KR
Seungwoo Lee
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, KR
Pyung Kim
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, KR
Beom-Jong You
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, KR

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Glaser, H., Millard, I., Sung, W.-K., Lee, S., Kim, P., & You, B.-J. (2009). Research on Linked Data and Co-reference Resolution. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2009. https://doi.org/10.23106/dcmi.952109620

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952109620

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