
This paper presents an approach for providing terminology Web services for controlled vocabulary terms. Services are implemented within a service oriented framework. A set of experimental services for genre vocabularies are provided through the MS Office Research pane, a built-in feature of Internet Explorer (IE) when users have loaded MS Office 2003. Web browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox and Opera, also provide side-bars which could be used to deliver loosely-coupled Web services.

Author information

Eric Childress
OCLC Research, USA,
Andrew Houghton
OCLC Research, USA,
Diane Vizine-Goetz
OCLC Research, USA, US

Cite this article

Childress, E., Houghton, A., & Vizine-Goetz, D. (2005). Web services for genre vocabularies. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2005. https://doi.org/10.23106/dcmi.952108231

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952108231

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