Short Paper

Use of the MPEG-7 standard as metadata framework for a location scouting system -- An evaluation study

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The paper presents an evaluation study about the application of the MPEG-7 standard to the metadata associated with a database supporting identification, characterization, classification and referencing of film shooting locations. The metadata describes photos taken at each location, as well as site characteristics, mainly according to a standard taxonomy and vocabulary in the domain of landscape and environment. Not only should the metadata schema allow conventional queries, but it must also be suited for advanced search functionalities such as similaritybased image retrieval. We also discuss the advantages and shortcomings of MPEG-7 for this application.

Author information

Valérie Gouaillier
Computer Research Institute of Montreal,
Langis Gagnon
Computer Research Institute of Montreal,
Sylvain Paquette
Chaire en Paysage et Environnement, Montreal Univiversity,
Philippe Poullaouec-Gonidec
Chaire en Paysage et Environnement, Montreal Univiversity,

Cite this article

Gouaillier, V., Gagnon, L., Paquette, S., & Poullaouec-Gonidec, P. (2005). Use of the MPEG-7 standard as metadata framework for a location scouting system -- An evaluation study. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2005.

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952108137

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