
The importance for Web applications to reach all kind of potential users and customers is being stressed by companies and public sectors. The standardization initiative for Web applications, WAI and the Universal Design framework establish useful rules for building accessible applications for any kind of disabled and non-disabled users. The proliferation of Semantic Web technologies and formal ontologies offer a technological opportunity for establishing automatic and advanced methods for accessible Web applications. In this work we introduce a method for publishing Semantic Web content that establishes separated stages for content selection and its presentation, through Semantic Portal. We are applying some of those principles to a portal devoted to international affairs.

Author information

Lourdes Moreno
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid,
Paloma Martínez
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid,
Jesús Contreras
Intelligent Software Components,
Richard Benjamin
Intelligent Software Components,

Cite this article

Moreno, L., Martínez, P., Contreras, J., & Benjamin, R. (2005). Towards accessible Semantic Web applications. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2005. https://doi.org/10.23106/dcmi.952108062

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952108062

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