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Distributing and Synchronizing Heterogeneous Metadata for the Management of Geospatial Information Repositories

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Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository, CUGIR, is a Web-based repository providing free access to geospatial data and metadata for New York State. Access is enhanced by transforming and re-purposing geospatial (FGDC) metadata into DC-RDF, Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) and MARC 21 that is rendered in XML, HTML, SGML, and ASCII text on-thefly. Although libraries today are increasingly in the position to create and maintain non-MARC metadata, non-MARC resource sharing is largely unchartered territory. This paper will demonstrate how CUGIR exemplifies efficient heterogeneous metadata management while introducing a new model for metadata creation and maintenance typically based in geospatial information system applications. This new model introduces an abridged SODA model as a viable digital library system.

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Elaine L. Westbrooks
Albert R. Mann Library Cornell University, USA,

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Westbrooks, E. (2003). Distributing and Synchronizing Heterogeneous Metadata for the Management of Geospatial Information Repositories. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2003. https://doi.org/10.23106/dcmi.952107356

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952107356

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