A Proposal for a Flexible Validation Method for Exchange of Metadata between Heterogeneous Systems by Using the Concept of MicroSchema
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A lot of work has been done in the field of metadata exchange. Particularly initiatives like Dublin Core, Open Archive Initiative and work with Learning Object Metadata (LOM). To demonstrate and test the concept of MicroSchema a new flexible XML-model for exchange of research documentation in Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) has been developed and proposed. A working XML-exchange model for metadata exchange between different CRIS and between with library systems and CRIS have been tested.
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Vindvad, J., & Øverby, E. (2002). A Proposal for a Flexible Validation Method for Exchange of Metadata between Heterogeneous Systems by Using the Concept of MicroSchema. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2002.
DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952107264