
This report introduces the Dublin Core Microformats (DCMF) project, a new way to use the DC element set within X/HTML. The DC microformats encode explicit semantic expressions in an X/HTML webpage, by using a specific list of terms for values of the attributes “rev” and “rel” for "a" and "link" elements, and “class” and “id” of other elements. Micrforomats can be easily processed by user agents and software, enabling a high level of interoperability. These characteristics are crucial for the growing number of social applications allowing users to participate in the Web 2.0 environment as information creators and consumers. This report reviews the origins of microformats; illustrates the coding of DC microformats using the Dublin Core Metadata Gen tool, and a Firefox extension for extraction and visualization; and discusses the benefits of creating Web services utilizing DC microformats.

Author information

Eva M. Méndez
University Carlos III of Madrid,
Leandro M Lopez
Arnau Siches
Alejandro G. Bravo

Cite this article

Méndez, E., Lopez, L., Siches, A., & Bravo, A. (2008). DCMF: DC & Microformats, a good marriage. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2008. https://doi.org/10.23106/dcmi.952109254

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952109254

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