
Metadata quality of digital resources in a repository is an issue directly associated with the repository’s efficiency and value. In this paper, the subject of metadata quality is approached by introducing a new conceptual framework that defines it in terms of its fundamental components. Additionally, a method for assessing these components by exploiting structural and semantic relations among the resources is presented. These relations can be used to generate implied logic rules, which include, impose or prohibit certain values in the fields of a metadata record. The use of such rules can serve as a tool for conducting quality control in the records, in order to diagnose deficiencies and errors.

Author information

Thomas Margaritopoulos
University of Macedonia, Greece,
Merkourios Margaritopoulos
University of Macedonia, Greece,
Ioannis Mavridis
University of Macedonia, Greece,
Athanasios Manitsaris
University of Macedonia, Greece,

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Margaritopoulos, T., Margaritopoulos, M., Mavridis, I., & Manitsaris, A. (2008). A Conceptual Framework for Metadata Quality Assessment. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2008. https://doi.org/10.23106/dcmi.952109222

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952109222

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