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SEARCHY: A metasearch engine for heterogeneous sources in distributed environments

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In this paper we present a federated solution to the problem of resource searching across several organisations. It is a cooperative distributed multi-agent system that locates and semantically integrates the access to heterogeneous distributed data sources, using Dublin Core as the metadata model.

Author information

David F. Barrero
M. Dolores R-Moreno
Departamento de Automática, Universidad de Alcalá,
Oscar García
Departamento de Automática, Universidad de Alcalá,
Angel Moreno
Departamento de Automática, Universidad de Alcalá,

Cite this article

Barrero, D., R-Moreno, M., García, O., & Moreno, A. (2005). SEARCHY: A metasearch engine for heterogeneous sources in distributed environments. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2005.

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952108304

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