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Model of metadata (crosswalk) on the Iberoamerican and Caribbean Virtual Library

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The Iberoamerican and Caribbean Virtual Library (in spanish, BVIC)) is a coordinated project between the University of Colima and UNESCO, it was born in 1999 and has the goal of create a great digital library for the Iberoamerican and Caribbean region. It is a consortium open to national, university, public and institutional libraries, and is currently available the 3.0 version called "El Dorado". It is an initiative of free software y free contents for the users. An important element of this virtual library model is the implementation of a methodology, structured in three parts; 1. information digitization, 2. client-server system Z39.50 and 3. the register guide of information resources, through the utilization of Dublin Core, GILS (Government Information Locator Service) and MARC21 metadata standards, for the objectives and thematic of this conference we'll focus on the description of this model of metadata.

Author information

Javier Solorio Lagunas
CGSTI, Proyectos Especiales Universidad de Colima, Mexico,
Lourdes Feria Basurto
CGSTI, Universidad de Colima, Mexico,

Cite this article

Lagunas, J., & Basurto, L. (2005). Model of metadata (crosswalk) on the Iberoamerican and Caribbean Virtual Library. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2005.

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952108145

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