
Policy Control Network Architecture using Metadata

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Quality of service (QoS) technology has been implemented to be applied to new applications on the next-generation Internet. However, as new applications such as P2P and stream application have many kinds of features and requirements, some additional features should be added to current QoS control technology. Policy definition for transport layer in a domain and among domains is being discussed at IETF to set a standard process, however detailed policy corresponding to the application or contents information according to the application semantics has not been discussed. Therefore we developed QoS policy control mechanism using metadata which is defined as a structured data according to the application semantics. Though metadata and transport mechanism can be located into quite different positions in the concept of network layers, we made them successfully collaborated by defining meta policy. In this paper, we describe our system architecture to define a meta policy based on the requirements and information contents from the application as a high level layer concept to be able to classify the network behavior. Our approach enables to multiple QoS control and collaboration among domains.

Author information

Ray S. Atarashi
Communications Research Laboratory, Japan,
Shigeru Miyake
Hitachi, Ltd., Japan,
Fred Baker
Cisco Systems,

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Atarashi, R., Miyake, S., & Baker, F. (2002). Policy Control Network Architecture using Metadata. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2002.

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952107117

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