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Metia–A Generalized Metadata Driven Framework for the Management and Distribution of ElectronicMedia
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The Metia Framework defines a set of standard, open and portable models, interfaces, and protocols facilitating the construction of tools and environments optimized for the management, referencing, distribution, storage, and retrieval of electronic media; as well as a set of core software components (agents) providing functions and services relating to archival, versioning, access control, search, retrieval, conversion, navigation, and metadata management.
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Patrick Stickler
Nokia Research Center
Software Technology Laboratory
Agent Technology Group
Tampere, Finland,
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Stickler, P. (2001). Metia–A Generalized Metadata Driven Framework for the Management and Distribution of ElectronicMedia. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2001. https://doi.org/10.23106/dcmi.952106641
DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952106641