Project Report

Towards a BIBFRAME Implementation: The bibliotek-o Framework

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bibliotek-o is a framework for modeling bibliographic metadata as linked data. Consisting of the BIBFRAME ontology at its core, the bibliotek-o ontology defines fragments of external ontologies and an application profile specifying the recommended implementation of these ontologies. This report presents the background and motivation behind the bibliotek-o framework, including an overview of the model, ontology principles and best practices guiding its development, a description of aligned tooling under development, and a report on the project’s status and outputs. A small sample of discrete patterns in which bibliotek-o deviates from BIBFRAME is provided to demonstrate motivations and modeling principles. Our goal is to illustrate the strengths of BIBFRAME, while suggesting areas where BIBFRAME should evolve to a more streamlined and expressive model. We aim to encourage feedback and community engagement in ongoing development of the framework outlined in this paper.

Author information

Jason Kovari
Cornell University, United States
Steven Folsom
Harvard University, United States
Rebecca Younes
Cornell University, United States

Cite this article

Kovari, J., Folsom, S., & Younes, R. (2017). Towards a BIBFRAME Implementation: The bibliotek-o Framework. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2017.

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952137885

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