
The Research of Open Conference Resources Organization based on RDA Description

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With the academic exchanges evolving, the internet is flooded with a great quantity of conference information, proceedings and conference literatures. Due to the distribution and the quality uneven of these Open Conference and Resources (OCR), it's hard to use these information sufficiently. Therefore, Chengdu Branch of National Science Library of Chinese Academic Science (CBNSLCAS) implements Acquisition and Service System of Open Conference Resources (ASOCR)[1] to gather these resources efficiently. However, in order to relate the OCR to each other and show resource content efficiently, proper resource description models are required. Under the circumstances, the paper describes the characteristics of OCR, resource organizing modes and described contents. Furthermore, the paper proposes OCR description model based on Resource Description and Access (RDA). And compared with OCR description model based on Dublin Core (DC), RDA description model may be more fit for describing complex relations of OCR in the ASOCR. The program determined the entity and entity relationship. At the end of this paper, future work is discussed.

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Miaoling Chai
Chengdu Branch of National Science Library of Chinese Academic Science, CN
Jiang Zhu
Chengdu Branch of National Science Library of Chinese Academic Science, CN

Cite this article

Chai, M., & Zhu, J. (2013). The Research of Open Conference Resources Organization based on RDA Description. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2013.

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952136312

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