Project Report

IN2N: Cross-institutional Authority Collaboration

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The paper describes the efforts taking place in the Cross-institutional Authority Collaboration (Institutionenübergreifende Integration von Normdaten, IN2N) project. This pilot project, executed in cooperation of the German National Library and the German Film Institute, aims to establish new collaboration models to improve cross-domain authority maintenance. The paper outlines applied strategies for making a shared infrastructure available as well as workflows for exchanging data about persons; interface enhancements to benefit from innovative web approaches; and cross-institutional data search and representation solutions. Furthermore, we discuss specific boundary conditions for an interoperable cataloguing environment.

Author information

Alexander Haffner
German National Library, DE

Cite this article

Haffner, A. (2013). IN2N: Cross-institutional Authority Collaboration. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2013.

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952136266

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